Thursday, August 19, 2010

Week 4- Honesty essay

Honesty: Do we practice it?

Honesty is an important value that every one of us should have. According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary the word honest is defined as “Free from deception, marked by integrity.” Those words should be the characteristic of the whole people in this world, but unfortunately it happens the other way. Nowadays honesty is not always the policy we choose for performing our actions, but it is the best direction we could ever pick. The English dramatist, playwright, and poet William Shakespeare mentioned “Honesty is the best policy. If I lose my honor, I lose myself.” A dishonest person will not have done anything good and positive in his or her life. The questions are: Why is it always correct to say the true and have good behavior? Is it true that an honest life could give you peace? Is it truth that with honest people this world could be better?

It is always correct to say the truth and have good behavior. A person could become the most successful individual of this world and have a large list of academic titles, but if he or she achieves this success by deceiving, lying, or making dirty tricks. This person would end having no kind of knowledge and value. Being an honest person will become you an example to others. The roman satiric poet, Juvenal said “The integrity of the man is measured by their conduct, not by their profession.” The most important thing is to be honest and say the truth.

Being honest will give you peace. People who constantly perform their actions in an honest way are the ones who will be around the world with their minds and thoughts clear. They would not have to owe anything to anyone or think which lie follows. If you tell the truth, you do not have to remember or worry about nothing as simple as that. Say the true is not always easy but is the best we can do. Someone will be always thankful for the truth. This is how honesty will give you a peaceful life.

In an honest world there would not be so many problems. If every one of us had developed some of honest attitudes, this world would have been better. There would be more peace and less corruption. As a God believer I see the chapter 20 verses 16 of the book of exodus very important, in which God instructs us to act honestly. It is written in the Holy Bible in the part of the Ten Commandments, God said “Do not accuse anyone falsely.” The bible has all the answers you need for walk in a correct way, and honesty forms part of that right road. This is how with honest citizens the world would be better.

It is right to act honestly and have good behavior. It should be the best policy for all of us. People must have in mind these words of Thomas Carlyle “Make yourself an honest man, and then you may be sure there is one less rascal in the world.” Do not become one more of the same. You have the power to be the best in an honest way!

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